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Course Details

GEO Location Free API
Course Image Mastering Bun - The Modern Fullstack Development - AppIconic
Author Logo Nirmal Joshi

Mastering Bun - The Modern Fullstack Development

Course Info

Total Lectures


Total Duration

5.5 hours




Basic HTML, CSS & JavaScript/TypeScript knowledge, but it isn't mandatory!Time, attention and dedication to learn & practice.
Free Source Code - Codeintra

Course Description

Known for its exceptional speed and elegant APIs, Bun has become the go-to choice for developers seeking a seamless and optimized JavaScript experience.

In this comprehensive course, you'll dive deep into its minimal yet powerful APIs, designed for tasks like HTTP server management and streamlined file operations. Seamlessly transitioning from Node.js as Bun natively implements an multitude of core APIs, ensuring a smooth shift for developers.

Why Bun?

  • Turbocharged Speed: Bun boasts significantly faster startup times and lower memory usage compared to traditional tools like Node.js, thanks to its custom runtime and lightweight JavaScript Core engine. Build lightning-fast websites and applications that leave users in awe.

  • Effortless Simplicity: Ditch the juggling act of multiple tools! Bun integrates a built-in package manager, bundler, and test runner, streamlining your development process and making coding an absolute breeze.

  • Modern Fullstack Masterclass: This course doesn't just teach you Bun; it equips you with the skills to build complete, modern web applications. Master everything from server-side development with Express.js to frontend magic with Elysia and Vite.

  • Future-Proof Your Career: Bun is rapidly gaining traction in the industry. By mastering this cutting-edge technology, you'll distinguish yourself from the crowd and set your career on the fast track to success.

By enrolling in this course you will learn-

  • Fundamentals of Bun and server-side technologies,

  • Buffers and file-handling,

  • Express.js,

  • Elysia,

  • SQLite,

  • Vite,

  • Testing,

  • Socket

  • Package management

  • And much more…

Benefits for You:

  • Build faster, more efficient applications that leave users impressed.

  • Simplify your development workflow and boost your productivity.

  • Land your dream job with in-demand fullstack skills.

  • Future-proof your career by mastering the hottest tech in web development.

So are you ready to join the Bun revolution?

Enroll today and embark on your journey to becoming a fullstack master with Bun!

Click the "Enroll Now" button below and start building your future today!

What you'll learn

Bun Fundamentals: Dive deep into the core principles of Bun and unlock its full potential.Server-Side Mastery: Build robust APIs with Express & Elysia and conquer server-side development with confidence.Frontend Fusion: Integrate Bun with cutting-edge frontend technologies like Elysia and Vite.Data Dynamics: Store and manage your data efficiently with SQLite, the perfect database for modern web apps.Testing and Security: Ensure your code's reliability and protect your applications from vulnerabilities.Real-time Power: Master socket programming and build dynamic, interactive features.Package Management: Become a pro at managing dependencies with Bun's built-in tool...and much more!Explore advanced Bun features, deployment strategies, and best practices.

Who this course is for

Aspirants who want to become full-stack Bun developers.Junior & mid-level developers who want to enhance their skills to the max!Expert developers who want to upgrade their existing development skills.

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