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Course Details

Buy source code - Codeintra
Course Image Complete Endless Runner Game Course in Unity 2D - AppIconic
Author Logo Red Fools Studio by William Carlson

Complete Endless Runner Game Course in Unity 2D

Course Info

Total Lectures


Total Duration

2 hours




No experience needed but familiarity with Unity and C# coding would help.
Free IP API - KrishnaIP

Course Description

By the end of this course you will know how to create your very own Endless Runner Game in Unity. We will be starting from complete scratch building the scene for our game then all the way through until we have complete bird movement with respawning pipes and a store functionality.

A Endless Runner Game is classic style game where you avoid objects until defeat. It offers the player an addictive fun challenge that can be replayed over and over again. By adding powerups the player will be able to enhance their play style and add more abilities to help avoid in coming obstacles to the player. The particle systems will enhance how the player interacts with the game world.

If you are new to coding do not worry all scripts will be walked through for each game object and source code will be available for download.

With the steps below we will create our Endless Runner Game:

- Menu background

- Menu UI

- Game scene

- Game scene UI

- Player object

- Player movement

- Platform design

- Platform spawner

- Spike obstacles

- Particle systems

- Powerups

- Game over screen

After completing each step above you will have your very own Endless Runner Game template and the knowledge to craft it into your own design for future game ideas.

What you'll learn

Create multiple obstacles for player to avoid.Add powerups to give the player double jumps and invincibility.Allow multiple types of ground platforms for player to run on.Design animations, motions, and piratical systems effects to give the game life.

Who this course is for

Any level game developers.

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