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Course Details

Free Source Code - Codeintra
Course Image Teach English like a pro: An essential beginner's guide - AppIconic
Author Logo Noorul Aadhila

Teach English like a pro: An essential beginner's guide

Course Info

Total Lectures


Total Duration

32 mins




No experience in teaching is needed. You just need to have a passion for teaching and love for the language.
Free Source Code - Codeintra

Course Description

Are you someone who wants to start your career teaching English? Or is teaching English your passion? Or do you want to make it a side income? Then this course is for you. Our comprehensive programme will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field of English teaching. Join us today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in education.

Teaching English can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice, offering opportunities for personal growth and cultural exchange. Whether you are looking to pursue it full-time or as a side hustle, there are various paths to explore in the field of English language education.

When you finish the course, you can expect to achieve the confidence and competence needed to start teaching English. In this course, you will learn the step-by-step process of planning a lesson, sourcing resources, and setting up a lesson. In addition, you become familiar with the tools and techniques for teaching English. With practical tips and strategies, you will be equipped to create engaging lesson plans and effectively manage a classroom. Additionally, you will gain insight into different teaching methodologies and approaches to cater to diverse learners.

This course will serve as a guide throughout the beginning of your journey as an English teacher.

What you'll learn

Start teaching English with confidenceKnow the step-by-step process of teaching EnglishFamiliarize with tools and techniques in teaching EnglishLearn how to source resource and set-up a lesson

Who this course is for

Beginners/novice teachers wanting to teach English as a career or a hobby

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